Who we are

Funico International is active in the production and sales of coffins.

“Together with other companies we are actively working on the well-thought-out development of the funeral services industry”



Funico was founded in 2000 by Bart Decuypere and TrustCapital following the acquisition of Cercueils du Nord.

From that moment on Demaco and Cercueils du Nord are part of the group led by Bart Decuypere.

Gimv and Vectis-participations come on board in 2006 with the acquisition of Vandenbosch.

The group is further strengthened with Polydis in 2008. In 2014 Walbrecq-Leleux is integrated.

Down 2 Earth Capital and Decuypere bvba take over the holding in october 2014, which ends the cooperation with Vectis-participations and Gimv.

By doing so Decuypere bvba and Down 2 Earth Capital want to further allow Funico International to grow, not only in France, but equally in other European countries.

While the current groupproduction is 90.000 coffins, the ambition lies with 125.000 to 150.000 coffins in five years.